
Showing posts with the label e-mail marketing

What Email Subject Line Length Works Best?

Alright fellow marketers, let’s get to the bottom of this.  Subject lines  can be one of the most frustrating components of  email marketing . How can something possibly be short, fun, eye-catching, enticing, and compelling all at the same time? I know. It doesn’t make any sense. As a result, marketers are plagued by a few common questions: Are shorter subject lines better? What is the optimal character count? Does subject line length even matter? Often, the answers to your questions live in the data. In this blog, I’ll walk you through how I collected and dissected data to determine the ideal word and character count for writing subject lines that beg to be opened (and lead to a click). Step 1: Data Collection There is a common misconception that the right question to ask would be: which subject line length correlates to the  higher open rate ? But that doesn’t factor in downstream metrics such as clicks, click-to-open rate, and unsubscribe rates. The question we are

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